Party #9

Last weekend we had our ninth annual holiday party, whew!

Incredible! Once again we had more than 100 people at our house last Saturday for our ninth annual Holiday Party. Bill and Maryon get the award for the longest distance travelled to attend (>1500 miles from Austin), while Bob and Anne pull a close second (nearly 600 miles from Eugene). Verlyn and Dana, along with Diana and Sasha, get the award for shortest distance travelled (our houses are about 10 feet apart).

The carpet cleaners came this week, as much a part of the holiday party tradition now as the cookie decorating station. Most of the wine stains and cookie frosting came up with the cleaning, at least enough that I'll forget where the spots are by next year.

The kids seemed to enjoy the cookie decorating, and the games. But I was surprised how big a hit my old collection of nerf dart guns was with the boys. Somehow they found the stash of guns in a box in the garage, and proceeded to start an all-out nerf war, which luckily stayed contained in the garage. Fewer and fewer darts (and guns) survive the battles every year though, at some point the scarcity of bullets is going to take some of the fun out of that game.

If you came to the party, thanks for helping make it a fun time. See some of the pictures we took here.

Posted: Fri - December 10, 2004 at 09:47 AM        
